La freschezza del basilico fresco e l'aroma dei pomodorini tostati da vita ad un prodotto unico in grado di regalare un' esperienza indimenticabile.
Senza addensanti - senza glutine.
Tutti iingredienti italiani e naturali.
Il tartufo bianco ha la capacità di svilupparsi in maniera del tutto spontanea nella profondità di terreni calcarei situati in luoghi areati e resi ben umidi e morbidi dalle piogge. Il salice bianco, il tiglio, il pioppo, il faggio, la quercia sono alcune tra le specie di alberi con cui vive in simbiosi per trarne il nutrimento.
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CONSULTING - Ti assisto nello sviluppo del progetto con un incarico di Temporary Project Management della durata minima di 6 mesi.
WIN-WIN - Siamo partner del progetto: stabiliamo un accordo contrattuale in esclusiva, elaboriamo un piano di lavoro condiviso; il mio compenso sarà in percentuale ai risultati senza nessun impegno economico fisso.
In entrambi i casi dovrai collaborare per fornire campionature, company profile, cataloghi commerciali, schede tecniche, certificazioni, ecc.
The marketing of the product takes place in stigmas by packaging under one trademark that identifies the origin:
Saffron of Cascia – Pure Saffron of Umbria.
From ‘300 to’ 500 saffron was well known throughout the territory of the Valnerina.
At that time, the saffron, used for its therapeutic properties, as a dye and as a flavoring in cooking, was the center of trade of the whole area, so that often substituted for the currency.
A Cascia existed one of the most important markets and most of the economic activity of the city was holding on trade of this spice, as it appeared in the Piccolpasso report of 1565.
Prodotto selezionato. Si garantisce qualità e freschezza. Pezzatura mista.
Tuber Aestivum cosiddetto tartufo estivo. Luogo di provenienza Appennino umbro. Periodo di cavatura 1 Maggio-15 Settembre.
Aroma leggero, elegante e non invadente, il tartufo nero estivo, rievoca i sentori del sottobosco, dell'umidità e del fogliame brinato.
Our Organic Lentils is cultivated in Cascia mountain. It is characterized by a small size and a color that varies from grain to grain.
Lentils (lens culinaris) is a strongly linked to food Italian gastronomic tradition.
Combined with whole grains are great for getting a top nutritional diet.
Do not underestimate the content of lecithin known for the prevention of high cholesterol.
Used since the Egyptians, the seed grows even in difficult conditions,
It is resistant to drought and low temperatures.
Grass pea is rich in iron, protein, starch, calcium, phosphorus and dietary fiber.
It is a healthy ingredient and
a versatile legume.
The roveja is a small legume similar to the pea, by the roveja colored suit is also resistant to low temperatures, is cultivated in spring and summer
and it does not need much water.
Roveja is much protein, especially if eaten dried, has a high content of carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium and very little fat.
The manual harvest is definitely the reason for his disappearance, after the arrival of tractors, in the years 50/60 crops such as this are abandoned to their fate. Today is everywhere and only resist was almost abandoned few farmers in the Nerina valley, in particular in Cascia, ARi, maintains and protects an important gastronomic tradition and a unique flavor.
In this valley the roveja is sown in March at an altitude of between 600 and 1200 m and is harvested between late July and early August.
Pomodori italiani essiccati al sole con scalogno e capperi. Il lungo processo produttivo ne esalta i sapori rendendolo un prodotto unico.
In olio extravergine di oliva.